Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day with my Lovee

My babycakes came down to Irvine to visit me yesterday, and we went to the beach!! Yay! I absolutelyy lovee the beach, and it's our first time (in the 51/2 months we've been together) going together in our bathing suits.. haha :) It was so much fun and definitely well-needed! I didn't really get to take FOTD shots, but there's just one of my eye that I cropped out.. it's kind of blurry though :/

Eye-- I went for a neutral look :) it came out horrible in this cuz the lighting was weird and it just.. wasn't good. but oh well

here's us at Newport Beach :)

on the Balboa pier.. so relaxingg

and at our "secret spot" hehee.. isn't the view gorgeous??

hehe that's all! Maybe i'll take actual FOTD/EOTD shots next time.. :)